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Automatically edit your Certificates of Analysis (CoA)!


Generate, sign, and secure your certificates of analysis with 1 click !


Start your free trial !


The easiest software for editing your CoAs!


Say goodbye to compiling your results, typing errors, checks, and modifications of your certificates of analysis in Word or Excel.

Generate professional CoAs with a single click: dated, signed, and secured.

📑 CIKLab : Automating CoAs editing

CIKLab is an application that automates Quality Control testing.

With each new batch, the management of analyses and the generation of CoAs is done with a single click!

💡 Your certificates of analysis are signed, dated, and secured in a digital library accessible everywhere and protected by a password!



Start your free trial !



Generate CoA


Our Certificate of Analysis template



Certificat d'analyses -
Download our CoA template  →


Use CIKLab to edit your Certificates of Analysis!


Fini les erreurs de saises-1

🎯 No more risk of errors

No more taking risks by re-entering analysis results.

The management of batches and analyses is automatic. All parameters and results to be displayed on the certificate of analysis are pre-recorded

Gagnez du temps

⏱️ Save time

Searching, compiling, and formatting all your results in Word or Excel: that's over !

Edit your certificates of analysis with a single click!


🔒 Secure

Only authorized personnel can validate batches and edit certificates of analysis.

All certificates of analysis are automatically stored as .pdf files in a password-protected library

I'm starting now !


Still have questions ?

Want to know more ?


Call us at :📞 +33 (0)9 72 31 81 06

Send us an email :  ✉️

We'll show you how it works : 👉 Book a démo !




We will call you back! 👋