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Plans de surveillance périodiques

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Import de résultats danalyses par CIKLab-1
Gestions des analyses de contrôle

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Edition des CoAs-1
Edition automatique des Certificats d'Analyses

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What is CIKLab ?

CIKLab is a SaaS software solution accessible online via a secure connection, enabling manufacturers to easily manage quality control testing. 


  • Creation of control plans 
  • Planning and monitoring of analyses to be carried out
  • Recording and history of analytical results
  • Batch release
  • Automatic editing of technical documentation (CoA, data sheets, etc.)



What is SaaS software ?

Unlike traditional software, which is installed on the company's own servers, SaaS (Software as a Service) software is hosted on remote servers and managed by external service providers.


What are the benefits ?

SaaS (Software as a Service) is an ideal solution for small and medium-sized businesses. The flexible and scalable subscription model, typically billed monthly, allows SMBs to focus on their core business without the need to manage costly in-house IT resources and infrastructure.

The benefits included in a subscription are substantial and shouldn't be overlooked.

  • Fast and Secure Access to the Software, Anytime, Anywhere, 24/7
  • Flexible and scalable to adjust the number of users as needed
  • Regular updates and feature enhancements


But above all, it's the level of data security that's key!

💡 No need to invest in infrastructure, servers and in-house security: the SaaS provider manages data storage and security.




#1 - Where is CIKLab’s data hosted ?

Data is hosted in several secure datacenters and managed by our service provider Foliateam. Outsourcing and data centers are covered by ISO/IEC 27001:2022 certification (Information security, cybersecurity and privacy - Information security management systems - Requirements).


#2 - Which backup protocols guarantee data security ?

We apply a backup strategy in line with ANSSI recommendations, based on the “3-2-1” principle. 

This means that :

  • 3 copies of data are kept: a primary copy in datacenter 1, a secondary copy in datacenter 2, and an outsourced copy in cloud object.
  • 2 types of storage media are used (physical disks and object cloud).
  • 1 off-site copy is always maintained for disaster protection.

We have set up a backup system based on the Veeam Backup software suite, enabling any hosted and backed-up data to be retrieved and restored.


#3 - How are data protected against viruses and Cyber-attacks ?

We use state-of-the-art antivirus solutions and real-time intrusion detection systems to protect our servers. In addition, our systems are protected by firewalls configured to block any suspicious activity, and we regularly update our software to prevent vulnerabilities. Our service provider has been awarded the CyberExpert label (cybermalveillance.gouv).


#4 - How does CIKLab ensure data confidentiality ?

We have implemented strict access controls. Each user has a personal login and password. Only authorized persons can access sensitive data. As your account administrator, you also have the option of blocking or managing access to users from your organization.


#5-  How can I track activity and changes to my data in CIKLab ?

CIKLab customers have direct access to a complete audit trail system. Every action taken by a user is recorded, time-stamped and cannot be modified. You have direct access to the audit trail to consult the history of modifications and actions carried out on your account.


#6- What are the procedures for backing up and restoring data in the case of a problem ?

We perform automatic daily backups with 90-day data retention. In the event of data loss, our backup system enables lost information to be restored quickly and securely.


#7- What security standards do CIKLab’s infrastructures comply with ?

Our data centers are ISO 27001 certified, and some of them are also in the process of obtaining HDS (Health Data Hosting) certification. These certifications guarantee compliance with rigorous data management and security standards.


#8- What is CIKLab's update and maintenance policy ? 

We deploy regular updates to keep the application up to date with the latest security fixes and features. Users are notified of updates at least one week in advance, and these are carried out during periods of low activity to minimize disruption.



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